The LEADER L qualification is awarded to a partner who has achieved a Personal Group Volume PGV turnover in the accounting period more than 4000 PV.

Leaders receive basic Bonuses:

•    Personal Bonus;
•    Loyalty or Gift Bonus;
•    Mentor Bonus;
•    Sellers Poll;
•    Mentor Pool;
•    Group Bonus
•    and can get Travel bonus.

Leaders have possibility to get tranings from TOP-leaders and president of Greenway Global, and also visit Leaders Camp where Masters are created.

Qualification levels L1, L2 and L3 are determined based the number of qualified Leader branches (branches including at least one qualification level L or higher partner) and PGV.

Partners L1, L2 and L3 recieve additional LEADER BONUS:



Qualification level L or higher partners receive:
• 24 % of the personal volume;
• 24 % of the tier 1 partners without any qualification;
• 18 % of the PGV of the closest active S1 qualification, 12 % of S2 and 6 % closest active S3.

Scheme: 80 person x 50PV, 20 person x 200PV, 8 person x 500PV, S1 X 5 +250PV.
Estimated income: from 1.125 €



Leader of class 1 (L1) is a partner who has one qualified Leader branch and his or her Personal Group Volume (PGV, HATCH DOT) is at least 2,000 PV.

L1 receives all the bonuses of L and get LEADER BONUS: 8% of PGV Tier 1 L, 6% of PGV Tier 2 L.



Leader of class 2 (L2) is a partner who has two qualified Leader branches and his or her PGV is at least 1,500 PV.

L2 receives all the bonuses of L and get LEADER BONUS: 8% of PGV Tier 1 L, 6% of PGV Tier 2 L, 5% of PGV Tier 3 L.



Leader of class 3 (L3) is a partner who has three qualified Leader branches and his or her PGV is at least 1,000 PV.

L3 receives all the bonuses of L and get LEADER BONUS: 8% of PGV Tier 1 L, 6% of PGV Tier 2 L, 5% of PGV Tier 3 L and 5% of PGV Tier 4 L.



Master (M) is a partner who has four qualified Leader branches and his or her PGV is at least 1,000 PV.

Masters receives LEADER BONUS down to 8 Tier of Leaders, can get Automobile Bonus and many more...

If you have any questions how to buy in Europe, contact us via

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Where to look for the target audience

Many old-school networkers still use traditional methods of attraction today, teaching their wards to work "in the field". Every day we are surrounded by many people and everyone can become a buyer of products or a future partner. Exercise personal communication skills, cold and hot sales allow newcomers to feel more confident in business and build strong structures successfully.

Plus, you don't have to go far to find your target audience. The people you need are among relatives, classmates, colleagues, friends, acquaintances and neighbors. Future team members can be found on a park bench, in a store, on transport, at an exhibition, at a nearby table in a cafe and other more unexpected places.

To win people over and sell your business profitably, you need to thoroughly understand the product, marketing plan, and payment system, as well as demonstrate that you are a successful and confident entrepreneur who can become a reliable business mentor.



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Offline recruiting will bring the desired results if:

always have an impeccable appearance and competent speech;

know how to quickly establish contact with strangers, correctly formulate thoughts and unobtrusively build trusting relationships;

learn about different ways to invite people;

ready to spend a lot of time and effort on live communication;

don't be afraid of being rejected;

You are able to pass on your experience to other people.

If this is not about you, feel free to transfer your business to online mode. Modern Internet technologies can significantly save time and effort in communicating with potential partners, and also open up opportunities for creating an automated funnel for involving new people in business.

Online recruitment methods

The number of Internet users is growing every day. And the sooner you learn how to use effective online tools, the better you'll position yourself in this rapidly changing market.

The best place to "catch" potential partners is popular social media platforms. Create not only personal accounts, but also company profiles, the functionality of which allows you to actively advertise and sell products, as well as promote the project and yourself as a brand.

Developing a personal brand helps create the image of an experienced authoritative leader with a good reputation. Your opinion and choice should be valuable to potential partners and your knowledge and skills should inspire confidence that you can adequately train and support your wards on the road to success.