Let's talk about human immunity, what it is and how to strengthen it.
When the immune system fails, a person becomes ill, and this leads to various types of infectious diseases (for example, influenza, etc. ) .
Let's talk about what role the immune system plays in human life?
The fact is that our immune system integrates our organs and tissues while protecting them from harmful cells and substances entering the body.
The immune system is divided into central and peripheral.
Human immunity is developed in the central organs of our immunity. For example, the bone marrow, which has immature cells, can also turn into other vital cells necessary in the human body over time, the lymph nodes have a clear fluid that protects our body from viruses. When a person becomes ill, the lymph nodes begin to enlarge and become more painful.
The immune system can be both natural and artificial.
With the natural form of the immune system, a person has suffered this disease (for example, tonsillitis, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory infections), and with an artificial form, a person becomes ill after vaccination vaccines (for example, a flu vaccine, etc. ) .
Factors that weaken the immune system and reduce the production of protective cells:
- Bad habits; - Bad environmental conditions; - Hypodynamia; - Improper diet; - Uncontrolled intake of antibiotics.
Because of these factors, the likelihood of allergic manifestations and cellular mutations increases.
How to strengthen a person's immunity in the season of colds
Before strengthening your immunity, you must adhere to the following rules:
- Lead a healthy lifestyle (sports, active lifestyle);
The diet should include vitamins and probiotics. They form the intestinal microflora;
- Sleep should be 8 hours a day;
- Drink water daily so that there is no dehydration of the body ( about 1.5 liters);
So that immunity is not weakened during diseases, a person raises his immune system with the help of fruits and vegetables, thanks to these products, rich in vitamins, human immunity is restored naturally.
Ways to strengthen immunity
Protective functions of the body will help to strengthen the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. Physical activity helps to improve physical fitness and has a positive effect on the whole body as a whole. Physical activity should become daily, for this, gradually introduce morning exercises into your schedule, then add the sport that you like: easy running, swimming, yoga, Nordic walking, etc.
Even short evening walks will not interfere. Try to avoid the enemies of immunity: stress, diets, do not abuse alcohol and cigarettes. Anything that improves health improves immunity.
Hardening helps to strengthen the immune system, nervous and cardiovascular systems. But remember that the body must gradually get used to these procedures. Ventilate the room regularly, observe the daily routine, walk as much as possible in the fresh air at any time of the year, take a contrast shower and wipe yourself with a damp towel. Make sure that the temperature in the living room does not exceed 20 degrees.
Do wet cleaning and humidify the air. Pay attention to hygiene: wash your hands as often as possible, and thoroughly wash vegetables and fruits, ignoring this rule, you can get an intestinal infection, especially on vacation.
To maintain the protective functions of your body, it is very important to get enough sleep, sleep should last about 8 hours a day (lack of sleep negatively affects mental and physical health). If this is not possible, then you can take a nap for half an hour during the day, this will improve the ability of the immune system to repel the attack of viruses and bacteria.
The intestine is the most important organ of the immune system; the immune activity of the body depends on its microflora and the condition of the digestive organs. Eat more dairy products: yogurt, koumiss, kefir, yogurt. Very useful sauerkraut, vegetables, nuts, fruits, herbs, berries. Include natural honey, ginger, horseradish, mustard, linseed oil, turmeric in your diet. Do not forget about the drinking regime: we are talking about clean water, it will help remove toxins from the body and enhance metabolic processes.
It is also useful to drink green tea, it contains a large amount of substances that are antioxidants. Rosehip broth is an additional source of ascorbic acid. This vitamin has been proven to enhance the immune response. Under its influence, the body recognizes and destroys viruses and microorganisms. In combination with zinc and vitamin A, it helps to produce antibodies. The more varied the food, the stronger your immunity will be.
Watch your health: chronic diseases reduce immunity, do not mindlessly take antibiotics that turn it off. Try to visit the dentist once a year, take blood tests: clinical and biochemical, as well as tests for microelement and vitamin deficiencies. Avoiding deficiency and timely treatment of diseases will help the immune system perform its protective functions.
Medicine does not stand still and in our time it is possible to support the body with vitamins, antioxidants, dietary supplements. But you should not engage in self-medication, if you often get sick, then you do not need to immediately start taking drugs that enhance immunity. It is better to seek the advice of an immunologist, so as not to provoke autoimmune reactions and allergies. Remember! Immunity is the key to health. Follow all the above rules and you will be able to strengthen your immunity and live a full life for many years.