Replacing chemical cleaners and synthetic detergents with eco-friendly, home-made products.
Every housewife, when running a household, is faced with a huge number of cleaning substances: cleaning utensils, chemicals for toilets and other plumbing, washing powder. Nevertheless, few people think about the damage to health caused by these drugs. You can choose any container from industrial chemistry, and look at the composition, how your head will spin from a huge number of unknown terms. Nevertheless, numerous housewives still believe that the use of household chemicals is not harmful to health.
A huge number of experiments carried out by experts from various countries proved that the atmosphere in a residential area is two and a half times dirtier than outside the window. The reason for this is the saturated concentration of hazardous substances that are in the air from the use of household chemicals.
Many people think that sticky fly sheets or chemical chalk for ants have no effect on a person's well-being. However, if chemicals kill insects, they should work on humans anyway. It would be more correct to replace the main chemicals that we use in everyday life with self-made from harmless materials.
In particular, fleas run away from basil. Flies do not like the smell of orange combined with spicy cloves. It is enough to insert the flowers of this spice into the peel of a ripe, unpeeled fruit. To prevent moths from starting in the house, it is advised to spread out bags of lavender and lemon balm. Also, citrus peel helps against flying insects.
Disinfectants are also better to make at home. It is not difficult to guess that when a product perfectly removes even serious impurities, it can never be harmless to us. Therefore, it is worth changing the purchased chemicals for natural mixtures. For example, the mixture for washing the toilet is prepared simply: mix citric acid, mustard powder and potato starch. Acid and mustard should be measured in equal proportions, starch in ½ share. Before use, the required amount should be diluted with boiling water. Store the prepared mixture in an airtight jar.