The ТEAVITALL collection is developed in accordance with original recipes and based on ingredients with valuable properties. Their balanced formulas are created while taking into account the complex effects of the ingredients. Their bright taste and delicate aroma allow the tea to be enjoyed.
Сollection of delicious daily teas
You will definitely love these unique blends of teas. Exquisite tastes will not leave you or your guests indifferent to their sophisticated charm.
TEAVITALL EХPRESS CARDEX flavour reveals the taste of strawberries, mountain ash and rose, while the licorice leaves a sweet aftertaste.
Cinquefoils in the composition helps strengthen the immune system and overall well-being.
Hibiscus supports the normal functioning of the circulatory system.
Slightly sour hibiscus and bright currant in TEAVITALL EXPRESS BREEZE are muffled up in a cloud of gentle taste of green tea and cinquefoils.
Cinquefoils in the composition helps strengthen the immune system and normalizes the digestive system. Black currant, lingonberry and blueberry work as antioxidants, assist in body functioning correctly and neutralize free radicals.
The TEAVITALL EXPRESS BALANCE carries a pleasant aroma of mint and soft herbal notes.
Сinquefoils in the composition helps strengthen the immune system and normalizes the digestive system. Motherwort regulates natural blood pressure and aids in maintaining the nervous system. Peppermint helps relieve stress, increases fatigue-resistance and normalizes sleep.
The TEAVITALL EXPRESS SPRING bouquet is boldly herbal, and when it cools, the subtle licorice notes take over.
Common knotgrass in the tea drink’s composition helps normalize water-salt metabolism and kidney function, and protect the excretory system. Lingonberry plays the role of an antioxidant, helps the body function correctly and neutralize free radicals.
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Thirst can be quenched in different ways. Someone - tea, and someone chooses something in between, called a tea drink. Or combining business with pleasure, brews mint in half with wild rose. Or he takes a jar of hibiscus from the shelf ...
To begin with, let's define what a tea drink is - it is a mixture of herbs or dried fruits, to which one or another type of tea is sometimes added. There are several varieties of these drinks.
The most common are fruit and berry mixtures. The combination of various components in them is very diverse, but many fruit teas contain pieces of apples, various berries, citrus peels and rose hips. Another traditional component of such drinks is the petals of the hibiscus plant, which will be discussed below. Sometimes seasonings, such as cinnamon, are also added to fruit mixtures. Fruit and berry mixtures are good to drink in the heat instead of regular tea - they quench your thirst well.
For those who are especially concerned about their health, teas from herbs and leaves are suitable . For some reason, among commodity experts they are called “teas from natural plants” - as if there are unnatural plants ... But be that as it may , they do not actually contain tea, although these drinks are brewed in almost the same way.
This group includes, for example, Paraguayan tea - mate. It is obtained from the dried leaves of the tropical tree IlesParaguariensis . In appearance, mate resembles green tea, it has a grassy bitter taste and, like real tea, contains caffeine. Usually, having tasted Paraguayan tea for the first time, many are perplexed about what lovers of this South American drink find in it. However, mate cannot be appreciated from the first sip - its taste opens gradually. This drink contains a variety of vitamins and minerals. It is believed that mate improves the functioning of the digestive system, lowers blood pressure and dilates blood vessels. They drink mate from a special spherical vessel through a metal tube.
Unlike the bitter-tasting mate, hibiscus is a very sweet drink. This is a red tea made from the flowers of the hibiscus plant. The substances contained in it regulate blood pressure. Interestingly, when hot, the drink increases it, and when it is cold, on the contrary, it lowers it. Please note that when brewing hibiscus, it is necessary to use only glass or porcelain dishes, since the taste and color of the drink deteriorate from contact with metal.
Another "fake" tea - rooibos - is obtained from the leaves of a red shrub that grows in South Africa. This drink does not contain caffeine and you do not need to add sugar to it - it tastes sweet already. When buying, pay attention to the smell - real rooibos smells like fruit. As for color, dry bush red tea should have an intense red-brown tint. Be aware that yellowing leaves indicate poor quality rooibos .
Rosehip tea is more familiar to our middle lane, the berries of which are a natural concentrate of vitamin C. Natural rose tea also finds its adherents: dry petals retain the indescribable aroma of the queen of flowers.
Herbal preparations have been used in medicine and cosmetology . They can also be brewed and drunk like tea. Such mixtures usually include various types of tea, herbs, plants, and sometimes fruits. Drinks based on medicinal herbs either tone up or regulate metabolism and promote weight loss, or are recommended for certain diseases. But perhaps the most popular are soothing herbal teas.
The most common "tea" herbs are mint, chamomile, St. John's wort, valerian. Of the unusual options - nettle and dill, as well as exotic herbs that grow, for example, in the Hawaiian Islands. Each of these plants has certain beneficial properties, however, if you use such “teas” without taking into account these properties, you can harm yourself.