It is an additional reward for Clients/Partners making personal purchases (PP) from 25 PV.

The amount of the Loyalty Bonus is determined by the number of accounting periods during which the Partner has had minimum activity (from 25 PV). The Loyalty Bonus is credited to the Gift account.

1-3 month - 5%
4-6 month - 10%
7-9 month - 15%
10+ month - 20%

Loyalty Bonus:

• Is accrued when the Partner's PP are 25 PV and more for the accounting period.
• Remainsthe same,but is not accrued if the Partner's PP is more than 1PV and less than 25 PV,% of the Loyalty Bonus is retained.
• Returns to the start of the program if there are no purchases in the reporting period.

If you have any questions how to buy in Europe, contact us via

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