Recruiting through a personal brand
What is this? A brand is a collection of associations about you. If your reputation in business deserves attention, then people want to join your project.
Minuses. A brand cannot be developed overnight. This is the main disadvantage.
Pros. In fact, your positive reputation is a magnet for partners. You don't have to persuade them. It is enough just to call; they will come to you.
Good news. It doesn't take years to develop a brand. If you set a task, then even within a month you can earn a positive reputation.
How not to do it. Don't lie that you are successful. First of all, to yourself. Stop posting “successful success” pictures on social media. That's what business quotes are for. When you broadcast someone else's thoughts and someone else's success, you first of all show the environment that you are a dummy and your offer is the same.
What to do specifically - Find a central idea, the one around which you will build a brand (see here) - Invent a slogan and draw a logo for three months - Place yourself in an environment of successful ones. Find the maximum you can reach. - Get on stage. Ask your sponsor to host a webinar or presentation. The stage is your sure way to get noticed. - Build your positioning. Emphasize your expertise in the status, description, and pinned post. Publish content in a topic of your expertise. - Use criticism as a tool of influence. Stand out from the competition.
Advice. Divide your time 80/20. Let the focus be on current tasks. But spend 20 percent on building your long-term reserve—your brand.
Automatic funnel
What is this. Perhaps the most attractive method that everyone is talking about now. Its meaning is that you are building a funnel mechanism that works to retain your audience. The funnel itself guides the client through different stages and at the exit he becomes your partner. No magic, just marketing.
Creating a funnel is a rather time-consuming process. You need to work out every detail of the funnel in order for the whole mechanism to work.
Pros. A huge part of the processes is automated and transferred to the work of robots. You only adjust the cycle and the mechanism, the funnel does everything by itself. An important note. An auto funnel is like an electrical circuit. If some part is missing in the circuit, then the light will not light up. Work out every detail. But at the same time, don't expect perfection.
What to do specifically - Think over and plan a funnel - Make a lead magnet - a useful freebie that will attract a subscriber (file, video, etc.)
- Set up traffic to your lead magnet using advertising.
- Sign a person into your funnel using a special service. - Send a series of messages (letters, videos) to warm up the audience. - Invite to a webinar where you will talk about your offer. - Keep the audience that has refused for further engagement.